Sunday, February 14, 2010

L'ignorance qui croit tout savoir

An injustice caused by ignorance is by far worse than a premeditated injustice. You see it with your bare eyes everyday, you try to deal with it, and you succumb helplessly to its cruelty. Don't fight back. You are defenseless in the face of ignorance, in all its forms and its changing faces, but particularly that ignorance that comes to save you from your own self against your own will and with the best of intentions. Examples are in zillion but Camus says it all: «Le mal qui est dans le monde vient presque toujours de l'ignorance, et la bonne volonté peut faire autant de dégâts que la méchanceté, si elle n'est pas éclairée. Les hommes sont plutôt bons que mauvais, et en vérité ce n'est pas la question. Mais ils ignorent plus ou moins, et c'est ce qu'on appelle vertu ou vice, le vice le plus désespérant étant celui de l'ignorance qui croit tout savoir et qui s'autorise alors à tuer.L’âme du meurtrier est aveugle et il n’y a pas de vraie bonté ni de bel amour sans toute la clairvoyance possible». Philosophers kill me with their explanatory and lucid tone. People perish everyday because of ignorance, individual decisions based on ignorance turn the world every second into a terrible place, and Mr Camus, decides to illuminate the world with a calm wisdom and in an almost informative way. Thanks for the info Mr Camus, but we learned that the hard way. You can only fight ignorance back by blood, except that it must be your own.

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